Got A Lotta Dough? THEN Having Kids Will Make You Happier…
Another new study, a big one including the opinions of 1 million parents, says having those adorable little kiddies doesn’t make you happier overall (in the short term, at least) unless you have a lot of one thing: plenty of money!
Researchers looked data collected over the course of 10 years, and kids can indeed boost happiness, but only if it doesn’t cause a lot of financial stress. If so, the happiness meter drops.
Another study found kids mess with your sleep for 6 years, too, the first year being the worst (no surprise to most moms and dads there!), but they do say moms have it worse than dads. One last point to note: kids under the age of 10 add more joy to our lives than teenagers do, because after that, the ‘talking back’ starts!
What say you, parents and childless singles? Agree, disagree?