Have You Seen the New Kind of Bouquet, in Time for Valentines Day?
January 18, 2019 9:09AM CST
It costs a lot to get married, so couples are always looking for a way to cut cost. But, have you heard of replacing the floral bouquet with cotton candy, instead.
The trend may have been started by a bride, named Faheema Chaudhury, who said, “I loooooove cotton candy and knew I had to make a cotton candy bouquet for my wedding.”
The trend is becoming popular with other brides who are giving their bridesmaids the fluff of cotton candy to hold… Some are even holding on to the fluffy treat all night. But, I have to ask: HOW?
It could not be messier nor stickier! Two of the last things I wanted on my wedding day LOL
AND: How might you send one, to a Valentine? ~ Mo
I’ll take this one.
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