Friday marked the first day of summer and the opening of Taste of Joliet this weekend, what I call “Food on a Stick” season.

I asked a few of my friends what they’ve tried or seen at any weekend festival they’ve hit up in the past, on a stick or otherwise; from fish eyeballs to cajun battered shark on a stick, we all decided that it appears is our State and County fairs are the ones that really try to out-do each other.

How about these:

  • Wisconsin’s Chocolate Covered Cheddar Cheese
  • The “Hot Beef Sunday” at the Indiana State Fair…it’s a big bowl of marinated beef slathered with gravy, corn and cheese “sprinkles” served ice cream sundae-style with a cherry (tomato) on top.
  • Spaghetti and Meatballs on a stick at the Minnesota State Fair or their Deep Fried Spam curds
  • Deep Fried Kool Aid at the San Diego, California County Fair

Sadly, Illinois hasn’t listed their tasty treats for the fair as of yet.  Must be a budget thing.

Anyone for a road trip??

Check more of these out here!