So, You’re Moving Back in With Your Parents… Here’s WHY.
We know there are record breaking numbers of adults living with their parents today. But according to a new survey, the main reason is NOT because they don’t have a job… It’s because they got DUMPED.
Here are the top five reasons according to a new survey, for moving back in with the parents:
A break up or divorce . . . to save money . . . not having a job . . . debt . . . and to take care of their parents.
Here are a few more results, or surprises . . .
1. 45% live in their childhood bedroom . . . and only 12% are fulfilling the stereotype and living in the basement.
2. Only one in four pay rent to their parents . . . and only 5% have parents who cover ALL of their expenses, including food, insurance, and phone payments.
3. Only 13% of parents say they wouldn’t want their adult children moving back in.
4. And 77% of the people living at home say there’s NO time limit on the situation.