The #1, most streamed show for Netflix in 2018 was “The Office.”  How do I know?  My son told me that he took a business course this past spring break and streamed just about all 9 seasons!

Now, it appears that “The Office” might be closed, permanently, on one streaming service anyway.  The “Wall Street Journal” reports that NBC Universal may yank the show off of Netflix, so that it can be exclusive to their OWN upcoming streaming service.  A few other shows might be in danger of leaving Netflix, one of them being “Friends.”

By the way, the rest of the top 10 shows on Netflix based on minutes-watched in 2018 include:  “Grey’s Anatomy”, “NCIS”, “Criminal Minds”, “Orange Is the New Black”, “Shameless”, “Supernatural”, “Parks and Recreation”, and “Ozark”.

If you want to check out the article, click here.