We may not always feel capable, but other people don’t have to know it.  According to Business Insider, here they are . . .

1.  Speaking quickly.  Whether you’re at work or talking to a friend, studies have shown other people think we’re more capable when we talk fast.  And here’s a bonus . . .

The faster you talk, the more chance you have of winning an argument, because the other person doesn’t have time to evaluate what you’re saying.

2.  Acting cold to people.  [Not a fan of this one, but…  ] Apparently, coming off as a little standoffish makes you seem more skilled, than when you are warmer to people.  A study, back in 2009, tested it out: coworkers, who weren’t as easy to talk to, were consistently seen as more competent.

3.  Asking for advice.  This one’s kind of like reverse psychology.  Asking for someone else’s input makes THAT PERSON feel smarter; which, then, reflects well on you.  The whole room feels smarter…  And YOU look like the one who naturally researches things, takes in all info, considers options…  Nice.

At least one study found it works better for women.  If you’re a guy, it can have the opposite effect…  Especially if you’re a man in a leadership position.  Isn’t that nuts?  Sheeeeesh.

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