Meghan Trainor tied the knot recently, and she gushed a bout a lot of the details of her wedding. Besides not allowing phones, but plopping VHS recorders from Urban Outfitters on the tables instead to capture memories, and including her own “Marry Me” as she walked down the aisle, she offered a couple of gems of advice, too.

“‘Marry Me’ was written on my one month anniversary of dating Daryl,” Trainor tells The Knot in an exclusive interview. “We were obnoxious and celebrated every month-iversary. I wrote the other songs through our first year anniversary of dating,” she said of her December 22nd, 2018 wedding.

One thing about the music: careful what songs you pick for the playlist. She created her own Spotify list, but advises to pay attention to how long songs are. She loves her Dad, but “Isn’t She Lovely” by Stevie Wonder is a 7 minute song, and it got long and even a little awkward.

Thanks, Meghan! Check out the full low-down of her wedding day here.