What’s the Difference Between Short-Shorts and Panties?
According to TeenVogue.com, “Y/Project’s Navy Denim Panties, available via Ssense, can be purchased for a cool $315. I don’t know about you, but I have never bought underwear for anything close to that price, let alone undies that are jeans. Let me reiterate: They’re jeans! They even have pockets!”
More expensive than most pairs of jeans, the difference between these jean-panties, or “janties” as they’ve been nicknamed, seems to be that instead of having a pair of short-shorts (SHORT) that have frayed edges, these edges are finished. WOW! That price tag could make you want to wear them on the outside of your clothes to get your money’s worth!
This isn’t the first weird project using jeans from Y/Project either. They also created “detachable jeans” just a couple of years a go. See what the latest jean creation looks like HERE.